About Us

Our history

How my dream become true, as young man arrived in Europe with African background education wasn’t that easy to integrate myself in Netherlands, where I couldn’t easily get a job opportunity without Europe work experience. I was always in search of a beer work. Day and night, all I had in mind was my goal to find a good Job opportunity. Late my alternative option was to start a cleaning job because that was an easy job to find in Nederland’s but my aim was to observe and figuring out how to reach my dream position and successfully work in the back office. Takes me a year and a lot of effort, trials, error to build myself to be ready to move to the next level of my work. But in just a few short years I have managed to become a senior Finance Officer. As a guy who started from scratch, I was always ask myself “what’s the Next” before I move to my next step. I have already done many projects with different companies. I learned something huge that starting a business there is a lot of struggles, stress and it's never easy, you need more support such experienced staffs and more focus on Business development. Initially this is where I got an idea to start helping companies in Business Consulting services. while starting my business I had to think about a name that I should call my business. So, I asked myself the same question and the answer I got back was DENEXT Business.


In 2019 I defined my unique identity

In 2019 I defined my unique identity and compelling vision of my company, problem I am resolving and my long-term mission. Acting as If my company has existed for years is how I gave my early customer the confidence to try out and see, if my business can serve their needs.
They are the two things I can coach everybody on. They are also the two things I’m passionate about. For you, the seed to your business starts with this same question. While you may not become a coach, knowing what you can teach people will lead to knowing what you’re passionate about and are mo;vated to do for free.
That how I committed to 8 hours per week to put my self to the entrepreneur test. And removed the fear, gave myself room to explore and allowed myself to fail. I find my niche and learned what my Business will become. There was no easy way to break this to me, I was the least important person in my business!

Today we have 2 offices around the world.

Denext Business

Denext Business typically work with B2B companies, in different sectors and industries, such as Hotels, Banks, Factories, and Schools. These businesses speak industries loud and clear, but they tend to need a bit of help in geZng their Vison and mission across to potential clients.
Let me explain why I believe hiring Denext Business as your Business consultant is the right choice

Specialist knowledge

We have experts in the different disciplines of Business: Financial management, sales and Marketing, Revenue management, Creative services and software development.

Savings on salaries

For a business, controlling expenditure can mean the difference between success and failure.

Cost control and proper expense management is essential for ensuring liquidity, employee accountability, more accurate financial records and beaver budgeting. This is a key difference between internal employees and an agency. Employees require training. An agency was born ready. From the second you hire

When your ambi4ons exceed your capability

Sometimes, businesses can have ambitions for the future that they cannot achieve with their current capabilities. It can be as simple as not having the requisite manpower or an inherent lack of knowledge on how to achieve these objectives. Regardless, if you don’t have what you need, an agency can either provide or find it for you.